
andrea bird & daniel beirne: InterPLAY installation and exhibit
Propeller Centre for Visual Art, 984 Queen St. West, Toronto
May 10-20, 2007

InterPLAY: reciprocal play, action, or influence…to exert influence on each other… that was the definition we found that described the collaboration we intended. Andrea, being an encaustic and collage artist; Daniel, an environmental sculptor… where was the meeting place between the two? Playing with themes, wax, natural elements collected on daily walks – the idea that emerged was one of wanting to share our sense of awe at the beauty of nature, from the rich texture of the forest floor to the sticks found on the shores of the Saugeen River. There were so many threads that, when carefully followed, led to the work seen here. Having lived and worked creatively together for more than 20 years with our two sons (a few hours outside of Toronto), we are comfortable supporting each others’ creativity. The idea of collaborating for this show grew from the desire to take this one step further. To really explore where our work and process is similar… & where is it different? How do we envision and manifest our idea of nature as a sacred place? Every step of the way, we needed to articulate our ideas, initially to our self and then to the other. This was a journey that took us to the edge of our comfort zone & into new territory. All of the work in the show, including the work done individually, is a response to the show as a whole.

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